Why do we fear change? The unknown is usually the trigger for the fear. We have a tendency to give our mind a free pass to wonder through the dark corridors of the worst possible and relatively impossible outcomes.
The truth about change? It is constant. We may not be aware but in every moment we are and the world around us is in constant motion and change.
Currently we are being pulled into change, a wash of fears to be healed. In isolation we reclaim our boundaries. In isolation we reignite need for meaningful connection.
We have all looked externally for comfort of safety, security and acceptance. We have led our lives from the lower three Chakras and over the last twelve months many of us have felt our foundation shaken or tested, and now life as we know it individually and globally is calling for change.
As we complete a cycle we can see collectively we lost the balance at some point and a reset for upgrade is needed. We have been ruled by class and status; basing each others success and our personal feelings of security and stability on our social status, material assets and financial position (Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra). We have based our happiness on the fulfillment of our physical and emotional desires and attachments (Sacral, Solar Plexus and Root Chakra) and we have based our worth, and restricted our truth based on the opinion and acceptance of others (Root Chakra, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra).
This "way of being" once was...
As you ask yourself the hard questions you are part of a collective being asked to face some hard truths. Who has been working a job they really dislike? How many of us are sacrificing mental health for financial health? How many of us have assigned ourselves to social groups and said yes to activities that do not align with who we truly strive to be? What will life be when this is over? The longer we are away from the norm the more we will question what is normal.
We have spent more time leading our lives based on fear then leading our lives based on the truth of what truly inspires human's imagination and creation and that is love.
Being forced to stay home brings a powerful message and Divine timing for self healing.
We are paying more attention to our bodies and the messages vibrating within us. Resting freely when needed. Our awareness has been shifted to the wealth of health.
We are affording more of our time to check in on our friends and family; we are even being given the opportunity to do all the little things that we have say we will "when we have time".
Social distancing gives us an opportunity to touch our own heart for comfort and lends us the time to reflect on the world that we have known and birth the dream of the world we want. We have ALL, in our own way, contributed to our current world and together we can make changes. Heal ourselves and heal all those around us.
At one point we will switch the TV and radio off to tune into ourselves.
When we sit in fear of poverty, we have a great opportunity to think of the millions that poverty is their daily reality and how we indirectly have contributed to that.
When we live without the daily grind to become financially wealthy we have a great opportunity to focus on the wealth of health mentally and physically.
When we sit in fear for the safety of our loved ones we have the opportunity to be reminded of what and who is really important. Our hearts fill with sadness at the news of another’s loss across the globe a great reminder of how we are all the same. Our pain and fear pulling us together by an invisible thread of compassion.
We will find true intimacy through heart, mind and spirit.
And when we sit in fear of death we find the gratitude for what was and the blessings of life right now.
Daily Heart Opening Exercise to try:
Sit or stand, eyes gently resting place your right hand (giving) on your heart centre and your left hand (receiving) in Hridaya Mudra. Shoulders relaxed. Allow your breathe to find its pace, no rush, no expectations; just stillness.
Begin with a couple of minutes a day, soon you will find the rhythm of the beating of your heart in the palm of your hands transforming the motion of fear to the serenity of love.
You are your own healer
With Love Always
Tania xx