How many times have you left a paid parking spot with time still left on your prepaid ticket? How many times have you passed the ticket to the next car and saved them a couple of dollars on parking?
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” ― Henry James
We get so many opportunities during our day to participate in small acts of kindness, from holding the door open, to dropping spare change into the hat of a busker, buying your fellow human that slept on the streets a coffee or just a genuine smile and a hello to the stranger. Whatever it is, an act of kindness can leave the recipient with a reminder of the good and many times your goodness is contagious. Kindness isn’t limited to physical acts. When we act, think and speak from a place of kindness we are being true to our spiritual nature. When we practice kindness repeatedly and find within us empathy even when the response to our kindness was not returned we heal. When we battle with unkindness by being unkind ourselves we are fighting our own demons.
Being kind does not take away any of our own personal comfort and happiness but one act of kindness has the power to spread to the other side of the globe.